आप सभी उत्तरांचल वासियों को करण बीर सिंह रावत का नमस्कार!
जैसे कि आप सभी उत्तराखंड के लोगों को पता ही हैं कि गढ़वाल मे महिलाएं कितनी मेहनत करती हैं। महिलाएं उत्तराखंड Uttarakhand के विकास मे सबसे ज्यादा योगदान दे रही हैं।
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप, जो कि एक पंजीकृत ग्रुप हैं, उत्तराखंड के लोगों और अपनी तरफ से पूरी तरह से सहायता प्रदान करने कि कोशिश कर रहा हैं। पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप कि ४००० से ज्यादा सदस्य अपनी अपनी तरफ से हर तरह से प्रयास कर रहे हैं उत्तराखंड कि प्रगति के लिए।
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप, हर साल उत्तराखंड मे Awareness-cum-sponsorship camp, का आयोजन करते हैं। जिसमे स्कूल के बचौं को रोज होने वाली बातों के बारे मे जागरूक किया जता है और साथ साथ हर स्कूल मे १०-१२ छात्रों को स्पांसर भी किया जाता है।
अभी तक पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप ने पुर्यादांग स्कूल ओर ग़ैर सैन स्कूल मे जागरूकता कैंप लगाए। और दोनों स्कूलों मे २२ छात्रों को स्पांसर किया।
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप, अपने कल्चर को बढावा देने के लिए हर साल नयी दिल्ही मे कल्चरल प्रोग्रॅम का आयोजन भी कर्ता है जहाँ उत्तराखंड के ३०० से भी ज्यादा लोग जमा होते हैं।
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप, उन लोगों कि संस्था हैं जो नौकरी करतें हैं और अपनी देव भूमि से दूर रहते हैं। पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप का हर एक मेंबर अपनी तरफ से कोश्सिश कर्ता है अपने लोगों कि मदद करने का।
यही है .... पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप.........
अपनी भाषा .... अपना लोग॥
करण बीर सिंह रावत
नयी देल्ही
Thursday, September 27, 2007
गढ़वाली (Uttarakhand) महिलाएं - विकास के प्रतीक -Pauri Garhwal Group
Monday, September 24, 2007
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप का पारिवारिक मिलान - गढ़वाल भवन, नयी देल्ही - २५/11/२००७
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप, अपनी भाषा ... अपना लोग॥!!
आप सभी पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप के सदस्यों से निवेदन है कि आप अपने परिवार के साथ २५/११/२००७ को गढ़वाल भवन मे अपने परिवार के साथ जरूर आयें। वहां पर उत्तरांचल कि एक झलक आपके सामने प्रस्तुत कि जायेगी। अपने और अपनी परिवार के साथ अपने लोगों से मिलें। यही है पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप ...अपनी भाषा ...अपने लोग। http://groups.yahoo.com/group/paurigarhwalhttp://www.paurigarhwal.com/http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PauriGarhwal/surveys?id=1921474जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए सम्पर्क करें:करण बीर सिंह रावत - ९८१८००७०७९सुभाष पोख्रियल - ९८११७०९८८२राजेंदर प्रसाद चमोली -९३५०९२९५६७ राजीव नैथानी - ९८१०९६७४९३चंद्रकांता पाण्डेय - ९८९१०८७७७७सुनीता कठेत - ९८११५६२९६२ पौडी गढ़वाल टीम
Report on Gairsain Social Awareness Camp-cum-Sponsorship Programme -21st July, 2007, Chamoli Garhwal
“Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained.”
Who are we (The Pauri Garhwal Group)
We are a small drop in the ocean. Each member of the PG Group contributes as a drop of the ocean in all our actions and initiatives. Our objective is to empower our community, people, and state by all means. We are the first online yahoogroup which is registered as Non Profit Social Organisation with Registrar, New Delhi. Our Aims are as follows: -
• To provide a platform to all Uttarakhandis to interact with each other online where they can share their views, thoughts and help in executing various good initiatives towards the empowerment & upliftment of People, and Community of Uttarakhand. • To help the Less Privileged Children based on their talent till they become self- supporting individuals. • To help Shunned Families to live a better life during old days. • To help people with dire straits to meet the expenses for Medical Treatments. • To help in the development of Uttarakhandi Culture. • Last but not the least; give back to society by all means. ProjectGairsainIntroduction As part of the annual activity of PG Group, Project Gairsain was identified for social awareness camp cum sponsorship programme. The roots of this initiative were sown in year 2006, when PG Group launched its first ever social awareness camp in Puryadaang Inter College in Pauri Garhwal. The camp was the first learning for the PG Group and had a great success. Based on the learning of Puryadaang, we were all set for executing our second Awareness Camp in Gairsain, Chamoli Garhwal. A team of volunteers was identified who joined the Task Force of the Project Gairsain for making the entire initiative successful. Funds were also generated through members and other people of Uttarakhand for “Scholarship Programme”.
Project Summary
Gairsain Project Task Force Team comprising 10 members (8 Males + 2 Females) was all set for executing the Project. The team departed from Delhi on 19th night in a Tempo Traveller. Two members of the Task Force were to join from Mumbai directly in the Gairsain.
On 20th July morning, the team took first halt at foothills of Nanital District (i.e. Ramnagar) where the team spent some time in freshening up and then again started up the journey. The next immediate destination of the Task Group was “Maasi Village” where Shri Ram Swaroop Masiwal had made the prior arrangements for task force members for taking rest including meal arrangements. Prior reaching Maasi, we took another halt at Chaunliya Inter College, Almora where we met with Shri Bala Dutt Sharma (uncle of Kaliash Dhoundiyal) and discussed on various topics & initiatives related to education. Somewhere at 11:30 a.m., Task force Team arrived at Maasi where it was welcomed by Shri Masiwal. The first thing the team did was to pay a visit to Temple and then most of the members preferred to take a bath in the adjacent river. The entire team then visited at Shri Masiwal’s home. We all had lunch there and then we took a short nap before we started our journey for Gairsain. Soon the weather changed and we all got a big relief from the burning sky. We had not expected such a change in weather as temperature dipped unexpectedly. Finally, we reached Gairsain, where Principal of the school, Shri D S Panwar ji had already made arrangements for welcoming us.
The programme in school was to start at 8 a.m. on 21st July, 07. The Task Force team of PG Group was on time though school administration took some time in making logistics arrangements due to rain because of which the programme delayed and started at 9:20 a.m.
Session Details
1. The programme began with the introductory speech of Shri B L Verma (from Gairsain Inter College) who introduced the PG Team with the students. Shri Verma later requested the Principal of school, Shri D S Panwar, to share his thoughts with the students and also talk about the PG Group Initiatives. 2. After the speech of Principal, K. S. Rawat talked about the PG Group in detail. 3. Next Session on “Education & Motivation” was taken by Rajiv Naithani. This session last for an hour and few minutes. Rajiv shared his experiences with the students and tried to motivate them. 4. During the sessions, students were encouraged to come on the stage to share their career goals and each student who shared the same in the forum was awarded with a small souvenir by the PG Team. 5. Shri J S Bisht who joined the task force team from Mumbai also addressed the students and shared valuable information. 6. After all the sessions, the identified needy students for scholarship programme were segregated based on their standards and were directed to respective blocked rooms identified for a written exam. 7. Parallely, Career Counselling sessions were oragnised for students in class 10, 11 & 12 where they were told about various career options available to them under each stream after 10th & 12th . 8. Before closing the camp, Principal of Inter College was presented with a memorable souvenir by the PG Task Group Team.
1. Suraj Singh 7th standard 2. Rajender Prasad 7th standard 3. Akbar Ali 7th standard 4. Vijay Singh 8th standard 5. Neeraj Singh Negi 8th standard 6. Devesh Chandra 9th standard 7. Neeraj Prakash 9th standard 8. Maimuna 12th standard 9. Sunita Kotwal 12th standard 10. Anita Rawat 12th standard
Other than the school fees, PG Group has sponsored below mentioned heads under the scholarship programme –
a. Tuition Fees b. Books c. Stationery Items d. 2 set of Uniform to each employee
The entire camp was appreciated well by the Principal and the School Faculty. At the closure of the camp, Principal shared his overall feedback which was very positive about the camp.
Principal also extended sincere thanks to Project Gairsain Task Force Team for holding the valuable sessions for motivating and encouraging the students in the School.
School children were also very happy and they appreciated the entire initiative of PG Group. Students told us that such an awareness camp never ever happened in their school before and each task force member helped them to shape their career and they were highly influenced with the thought process of the task force team members. They also took note of the contact details of PG Group so that for any assistance or guidance they can contact the PG Team.
They also requested the PG Task Force Team to visit once again for the similar camp.
FeedbackfromtheSchoolPrincipal/Teachers&SchoolChildrenreflectedthattheProgramme/missionwereaGREATSUCCESS.TheyheardalltheteammemberssilentlyandwereveryeagertoknowmorefromthePGGTaskTeam. List of Members who Joined the Task Group
S. N. Name of the Participant Information/ Experience imparted on 1. Smt J S Bisht Education / Careers guidance / Health / Information & Communication/ Social evils / Self-employment/ Environmental Awareness/ Natural Calamities, Government Schemes & RTI & other welfare schemes for poor & SC/ST 2. Ms. A. Sharma 3. Subhash Pokhriyal 4. Deepak Kala 5. R P Chamoli 6. K S Rawat 7. Rajiv Naithani 8. Shri J S Bisht 9. Kailash Dhoundiyal 10. Subhash Kandpal
PG Team extends the “Thank You” note to all such members, people and Institutions who helped the PG Team with their financial and moral support, without which the initiative could have not been successful.
PG Team would like to share the name of all such members below –
1. Sh Sanjay Kukshal 2. Smt Richa Pant 3. Smt Chanderkanta Pandey 4. Sh Rajiv Naithani 5. Sh Deepak Dhyani 6. Sh Atul Nauriyal 7. Smt Sunita Kathait 8. Sh Subhash Kandpal 9. Sh Deepak Rana 10. Sh Gautam Rawat 11. Dr Ravi Joshi 12. Sh Divakar Uniyal 13. Sh Jagdish Sajwan 14. Sh Surendra Singh Bisht 15. Sh Bharat Bhushan Lekhawar 16. Sh Anil Gaur 17. Sh Ashwani Thapliyal – Contributed Rs. 10k for the scholarship programme. 18. Sh Umesh Thapliyal 19. Sh Ashok Suyal – Contributed Rs. 25K for the scholarship programme 20. Smt Poonam Rawat 21. Nidhi Bahuguna 22. Savita Sati 23. Nutan Pokhriyal
We also extend our special thanks to one of the business friend of Shri Subhash Pokhriyal who donated Rs. 5K to PG Team for meeting with the logistics expenses like Gift, Souvenir and Banner expenses for the Camp.
We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to the volunteers of the Task Force Team who joined the Project Gairsain and organized the camp.
OurFindings……at GIC Gairsain,Chamoli
1. Even the school & place is very famous, students were totally unaware and ignorant of happenings around them. 2. The students were totally unaware of their future career. 3. The cultural, social and religious systems restrict women’s education, economic independence, and political and social participation. 4. Women are still accustomed to subordination. Male dominance is seen & is very common. 5. Almost all are unaware of governmental welfare programs that are designed for them. Even not a single student was aware of RTI. PGG Task team has given them tips for all the schemes/acts. 6. Students & people of the region are still unaware of the concept of self-help programs. 7. Many of the adults abuse alcohol and drugs adversely affecting their economic condition and health. Transportation,Boarding&Lodging..byPGGTeam..!! The expenses arising on account of transportation, boarding, lodging and any other misc. expenses during the trip were borne by the individual members of the Task Force of Project Gairsain who participated in the Camp voluntarily. Per head cost worked out to be Rs. 1850/-for the trip.
The intent of sharing this report of the Project Gairsain with all the members of PG Group is to seek individual feedback on the efforts being put in by the PG Group for completing the Gairsain Project successfully.
Please feel free to post your comments. Your response in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks.
Best Wishes,
Team Pauri Garhwal Group! http://www.paurigarhwal.com/ http://www.paurigarhwal.org/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/paurigarhwal
Friday, September 21, 2007
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप का पारिवारिक मिलान - गढ़वाल भवन, नयी देल्ही - २५/९/२००७
आप सभी पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप के सदस्यों से निवेदन है कि आप अपने परिवार के साथ २५/११/२००७ को गढ़वाल भवन मे अपने परिवार के साथ जरूर आयें। वहां पर उत्तरांचल कि एक झलक आपके सामने प्रस्तुत कि जायेगी। अपने और अपनी परिवार के साथ अपने लोगों से मिलें।
यही है पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप ...अपनी भाषा ...अपने लोग।
जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए सम्पर्क करें:
करण बीर सिंह रावत - ९८१८००७०७९
सुभाष पोख्रियल - ९८११७०९८८२
राजेंदर प्रसाद चमोली -९३५०९२९५६७
राजीव नैथानी - ९८१०९६७४९३
चंद्रकांता पाण्डेय - ९८९१०८७७७७
सुनीता कठेत - ९८११५६२९६२
पौडी गढ़वाल टीम
PG Group family get-together is being held on 25th Nov, 2007, at Garhwal Bhawan, New Delhi.
[उत्तराखंड, उत्तरांचल, पौडी गढ़वाल, चमोली, टेहरी, कुमाओं, अल्मोरा, नैनीताल, हल्द्वानी, कोटद्वार, हरिद्वार, देहरादून, देव प्रयाग, ग़ैर सैन]
Aaap sabhi thai pata hi cha ki PG Group har saal ek apna membarooon ku family get-together kardu Garhwal Bhawan, Nayee Delhi Ma... Pichli Saal kam se kam 300 log hamara get-together ma saamil hwe chchai aur tabhi sab logonu buali ki har saal family get-together hoonu chaindu....
Agar aap sab log PG Group ka kaam se khush chaoun aur chaanda chaoun ki hum sab unnati karon aur sab ek saath chalon ta ye saaal 25 November 2007 khunai Garhwal Bhawan ma apni family ka dagad jarooon aaineee. Agar aaap bhi apni family ka dagad ye family get-together ma saamil hoonu chandoun ta taal ek link cha ve par click karo aur batawa ki tum aur tumari family Garhwal Bhawan ma jaroor samil hoona chaoun.
PGG Team॥/ New Delhi..!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Minutes of the Pauri Garhwal Group Meet held at Garhwal Bhawan on 16/Sep/2007!!
पौडी गढ़वाल ग्रुप उत्तरांचल उत्तराखंड
Yesterday we had a successful meeting at Garhwal Bhawan, New Delh, where the following topics were covered:
Review of Gairsain Project
Members have been informed about the sponsorship exercise being carried out at Gairsain Inter College, where 10 students have been sponsored by the PG Group for the current academic year.
One of our representative is visiting Gairsain in the last week of Sep 07 and personally hand over the sponsorship amount to the students/their guardians, in the presence of school Principal/respective authority.
Group members have shown their satisfaction in our Gairsain project.
Review of Puryadaang Project
PG Group has again re-sponsored 6 students of Puryadaang Inter College, (out of 9 students of last year as 3 of them have passed out 12th std), for the current academic year, based on their performance.
Sponsorship amount has already been distributed to the successful studnets, in presence of school Principal. We are thankful to respected Sh Kavtiyal Ji, who helped us in distributing the amount, by visiting the school personally.
Members have shown their satisfaction in this project too.
Family get-together
As per the practice, PG Group is organizing a family get-together on 25 November, 2007, at Garhwal Bhawan, Panchkuian Road, New Delhi. Complete details will follow shortly.
Resignation of Office bearers
Two of our Board Members, Sh Deepak Dhyani and Sh Deepak Chaudhary have sent their resignations due to some personal reasons, which has been accepted by the Management.
Further, we are glad to inform that two new faces have been inducted in the PG Board, which are:
a) Sh Subhash Kandpal
b) Sh Raju Khatri
It has also been pointed out noticed that couple of Board Members are not interested in PG group's activities. We request those members to either fulfill their responsibilities or give chance to other aspirants who are willing to work for the benefit of our own people.
With best wishes,
Team - PG Group
New देल्ही
Thursday, September 13, 2007
PGG Next Delhi Meet Scheduled for 16th Sept'07 at Garhwal Bhawan!!
पौडी गढ़वाल उत्तराखंड उत्तरांचल
As of now, we have received confirmation from 25 members। Those who would like to join us at the Garhwal Bhawan are requested to please be there at 10:30 AM (Sharp)।
DATE : 16/9/2007
TIME : 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
VENUE : Garhwal Bhawan, Punchkuyan Road, Opp. Videocon Tower Builidng, New Delhi-110055.
Those who are not familier with the venue can contact the following Team Members for checking the route and other details:
K.S.RAWAT - 09818007079
RAJIV NAITHANI - 09810967493
Thanks & Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: PG Group!!
To: PauriGarhwal@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 5:08 PM
Subject: [PGG : Delhi Meet - 16/Sep] PGG Next Delhi Meet Scheduled for 16th Sept'07 at Garhwal Bhawan!!
Dear Members (Delhi/NCR),
Following members have already sent their confirmation for attending the next meet, scheduled for 16th September, 2007 at Garhwal Bhawan, Punchkuyan Road, Near Karol Bagh, New Delhi. If other members, who are residing in Delhi/NCR, wants to join them in the meeting, please send your confirmation at the earliest: What you have to do is to click on the following link, which will take you to the POLL:
http://www.paurigarhwal.com/ http://pauri-garhwal-group.blogspot.com/
1 reply
Yes, I'll definitely attend
PGG Team..!!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
RAJYA SABHA In Uttarakhand, out of total 15,761 revenue villages, 15199 (96.4%) are electrified. Balance 562 villages are to be electrified by grid (357) and non-grid (171). Out of 11.85 lakhs rural households, 6.87 lakhs rural households are electrified. Out of balance 4.98 lakhs unelectrified households, Uttarakhand Government intends to cover 3.57 lakhs rural household under RGGVY. Ministry of Power has already sanctioned projects for all the 13 districts of Uttarakhand with an outlay of Rs.643.89 crore. The State has reported that works have been carried out in 968 un-electrified and 2332 electrified villages as also release of 38424 rural household connections including 37,016 BPL household connections as on 24th August, 2007. Uttarakhand has so far availed Rs.355.61 crore under RGGVY. The State has reported that the Schedule Tribe villages are also covered in this scheme. However, 171 villages which are far away from grid line and are situated in forest area are meant to be electrified by non-conventional energy sources. Ministry of Power as also Rural Electrification Corporation have been regularly conducting the review meeting and impressing upon the State Govt./state power utility for timely attainment of the sanctioned targets in the State. This information was given by the Union Power Minister Shri Sushilkumar Shinde in a written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha. PRA:NC
The Pauri Garhwal Group!